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Plans articulate a base option, but they’re grounded in a series of events that are not only unpredictable but also often uncontrollable.

Featured Publications

“Homkes has an incredibly impactful professional style; she is able to present hard topics in an easy to absorb way with new concepts, frameworks, and models; far better than the stuffy academics”

Mike Haffenden
Director, Strategic Dimensions

A new survey finds very few senior managers think they can trust colleagues in different departments. Here’s how to change that.

Harvard Business Review:
Why Strategy Execution Unravels—and What to Do About It

Two-thirds to three-quarters of large organizations struggle with execution. And it’s no wonder: Research reveals that several common beliefs about implementing strategy are just plain wrong. This article debunks five of the most pernicious myths.

Harvard Business Review:
Why strategy chiefs succeed or fail

Why is it that some companies have great heads of strategy who make an outstanding contribution to their companies while others don’t? To answer this question, we evaluated 55 heads of strategy, and looked more closely at 11 who were particularly successful and 10…

London Business School:
Translating Strategy into Results

In this two-part blog, Rebecca Homkes, discusses how to frame our thinking of how to approach execution.

London Business School:
Five strategy execution myths exposed

Do you believe in these five strategy execution myths? Rebecca Homkes exposes the myths and examines the realities.

How The Fight For Independence Could Be The Death Of Your Business

Business history is replete with examples of companies that had it all: the hard assets, the skills, the strong market positions – and yet still lost their way. 

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