A practice
for business

Dr. Rebecca Homkes works with current and future business leaders to drive growth through innovative organizational strategies.


Engaging and empowering larger audiences with new ideas, actionable insights and take-home techniques. Homkes is a frequent global keynote speaker at major conferences, Young President’s Organization (YPO) events, and company summits and offsites. Her talks are tailored to the audience and moment, bringing clarity and energy to the most pressing strategic and performance issues facing organizations today.


Partnering with leadership teams on programs designed to reset the organization’s growth strategy and empower them to thrive.  Through a series of virtual and in-person sessions designed just for you, you’ll work to reset your company strategy, reframe your opportunity, and continually focus on growth strategy acceleration.  Homkes also consults and advises on early-stage growth acceleration, digital and AI transformation, corporate innovation, and improved collaboration between corporations and scale-ups.


Equipping leaders with the skills and perspective they’ll need to thrive.  Homkes’s executive education and Business School teaching focuses on instilling practical insights with transformative applications.  While grounded in theory, her classroom style is dedicated to practical execution, and leaders leave the classroom inspired but more so equipped and ready to act for results.


Providing ongoing guidance, feedback, and accountability for leaders with a focus on growth, innovation, and learning velocity.  Executives who have worked with Homkes on advising programs often ask to stay engaged to continue building their strategy and leadership capabilities as they steer their organizations’ growth pathways.

AI is already impacting business and operating models of all types of companies and Dr. Homkes helps leaders to develop a strategic framework to reset and thrive in this era.

- Karim R. Lakhani -
Professor, Harvard Business School & Chair of Digital Data Design Institute at Harvard

It all starts with
a conversation…

Dr. Homkes partners with leaders, organizations, and educational institutions to provide counsel, training, and game-changing advice.